Monday, July 27, 2009

Lots of signs

We produced these tear drop banners for Ay-Up Lighting - they took them to cycling events in Canada, USA and the UK.
The Vegemite campaign was created by Mindshare, creative by JWT and signs by Stadium Signs. We installed these huge signs in the Fan Gallery at the MCG plus parapet signage on the ground in time for last weeks AFL game. Cheers Pamela

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I have ridden all over the world in all sorts of conditions and never had an accident like this one. It was really stupid - I was crossing a railway line and managed to get a big piece of glass stuck in the front tyre of my MTB - I pulled it out and decided to keep riding - subsequently I went over the handlebars onto my face. I was knocked out and very confused for around 20 minutes. Luckily I was with my Fiancee's son who rang his father. I ended up with bruised ribs, black eye and a huge egg on my head, the worst thing was that I suffered headaches and vertigo for 7 days. So the lesson is.......................

Monday, July 13, 2009

race results and new event

We had a terrific time at Forrest - the weather was kind to us, there was a few showers so the tracks were quite slippery but managable. The race was around Marriners Track which is quite technical with fabulous berms and challenging drop offs. Leigh and Ashley (12 yo) went really well - the results were: 7 laps in 6:01:04 with an overall placing of 47 -that is pretty good out of a field of 56 - Ashley was the youngest competitor. Steven and Andrew completed 8 laps in 6:21:48 for an overall placing of 38.

We stayed Sunday night in Forrest and it rained all night - drove to Apollo Bay the next day for breakfast then a lovely drive on the Great Ocean Road back to Melbourne.

The next event is Sunday July 26 - 2009 Chase the Sun- Round 3. This is a 6 hour MTB race at Lysterfield including the Commonwealth Games Track. Once again Ashley and Leigh are competing - this time their team is called Stadium Signs. Steven is booked in but we are not sure if he is riding solo or not.

Here at work we are flat out getting parapet signs ready for the MCG football, plus 3 vehicles and lots of bits and pieces.

